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NdFeB Magnets
NdFeB Material Grade
Demagnetization Curves
Surface Treatments/Dimension & Tolerance
Pricing of Sintered NdFeB Magnets
Data Sheet of NdFeB Magnets (PDF)
NdFeB Block Magnets (PDF)
NdFeB Disc/Cylinder Magnets (PDF)
NdFeB Ring Magnets (PDF)
NdFeB Assembly
Customer Specific NdFeB Magnets
Magnetization Direction of NdFeB Magnets
More Information on NdFeB Magnets
Other Magnetic Materials
Magnetic Devices

Information for Purchase Orders:
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Payment Terms (PDF)
Purchase Order Form (Doc File)
Credit Card Form (Doc File)

Online Calculator:
Pull force between two disc magnets
Pull force between disc magnet and flat
Pull force between two block magnets
Pull force between block magnet and flat
Magnetic field of a Disc magnet
Magnetic field of a block magnet

Magnet Arrangement and Magnetic Circuits of Magnetic Assemblies

Permanent magnet
Factor 1
Alnico bar in steel pot (adhesive magnet-prip bars, pot magnet)
Factor 7.5
With steel backing plate
Factor 1
Magnetic block in steel (U-profile)
Factor 5.5
With steel backing plate and center pole
Factor 4.5
Magnetic block between two steel plates (sandwich-system)
Factor 18
Disc magnet in steel pot (adhesive magnet disc)
Factor 6
Adhesive battery of several sandwich-systems (types 50...L200)
Factor 18x system number
Ring magnet in steel pot and center pole
Factor 7
Two magnetic blocks, mounted counterpoles on steel backing plate
Far reaching stray field as needed for catching steel

Technologies GmbH & Co. KG
Markt Schwabener Str. 8
85464 Finsing, Germany
Tel.: +49-(0)8121-2574100
Fax: +49-(0)8121-2574101
Email: info@chenyang.de
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